Overall rating
4.5 out of 5
Fan heater
Review from Anonymous at 31.01.2022
Tip, top
Eignet sich für meine Bedürfnisse ausgezeichnet!
Review from Anonymous at 04.02.2022
Schade, nicht benutzbar...
Erhebliche Geruchsbelästigungen aus dem Gerät, die sich weder nach Filterauswaschen beseitigen lassen (Tipp aus der Gebrauchsanweisung) noch einige Stunden nach Inbetriebnahme verflüchtigen. Das Gerät ist damit unbenutzbar in geschlossenen Räumen. Diese Eigenschaft kann ich mir bei einem Red dot-Award gekürten nicht vorstellen. Sehr ärgerlich, da dieser Mangel bei zuvor erworbenem Gerät nicht auftrat.
Review from Nicholas Fliess at 19.02.2020
Elegant and efficient
The heater is both elegant and efficient.
Review from Corrina Eaves at 19.02.2016
I thoroughly enjoy this product! The hot/cool dial feature is very nice (when she gets a little too hot, you can just dial her back.) :)
Review from Simon at 06.11.2021
Compact and clever
I've used this heater for several years now, and I think it is both functionally and visually well-designed. It's very compact, sits solidly on the ground (because of the nice metal stand), and the heating can be controlled using an analog wheel, which allows you to find your perfect setting. In addition, there is the option of using a "turbo" mode, which heats the room up even faster. at the cost of some extra power draw. There are also throughtful features such as a removeable filter, and an automatic switch-off function, if the heater is accidentally knocked over. I can only think of one small complaint, which is that the control wheel has no indicators on it - that means it's not possible to identify a favourite value and easily replicate it, if needed. However, that is a really minor complaint, and not enough to substract a star. 5 stars from me!
Review from Nicky at 30.10.2016
Neat product - but the plug?
I really like this little heater - a smart design that does it's job at the same time as looking good. What I had not expected was for it to have a European plug on it! Companies from all over the world manage to match the plug to the country it's sold in. Disappointing.
Stadler Form
Nice small, silent and functional. I miss though a digital indicator for temperature and a remote control as offered by the competition. The rolling switch for temperature is not so easy to set. On full power the heater switches off very quickly.
Stadler Form
Review from Anonymous at 22.06.2020
Compact heater that packs a punch . On cold nights it heats up a large-ish size room in a short time.
Review from Val, New Zealand at 04.09.2017
Stadler Anna heater
This heater is a very efficient performer and neatly compact, however, it does not have a carrier handle which makes it most awkward to move about the room. It is quite dangerous lifting it when just switched off as it is too hot to handle just anywhere. It does not slide along the floor easily either, so I stuck felt buttons on each corner over the little plastic ones and that has made it easier. I am happy with its output and style though.
Stadler Form
Review from Ulrik Poulsen at 26.02.2018
Very good design, looks good, works perfect. BUT there is a smell of paint or somthing like it, filling the room while working.
Stadler Form
Review from Damon Bransom at 01.09.2018
Simply the best heater
Whisper quiet, fast to heat and a filter too! This is the best heater I have ever had in terms of design and function. Worth every cent and its amazing how quiet it is. I'm over the moon and toasty warm, very happy.
Review from Anonymous at 23.05.2022
Cooles Teil!
Bin sehr zufrieden. Anna macht genau das, was sie soll.
Review from Cary at 20.10.2016
Anna ist gestern per DHL angekommen. Hat sich bestens in die Designwohnung integriert und arbeitet mit Verve. Hat ihre Brüder und Schwestern angetroffen und ist happy. Schaut euch mal meine anderen Bewertungen an, das Haus ist voll von Stadler Formern: Oskar, Anton, Fred, Jasmin... Ha!
Stadler Form