Humidifiers increase the relative humidity indoors. This should be between 40 % and 60 %. If the air is too dry, a humidifier will help you. Find the right one for you now.
Humidifier accessories
What a humidifier can do for you

You support your entire family – humidifiers can be used in the children's room without hesitation.

You enjoy noticeable benefits all year round thanks to continuously balanced humidity

You avoid the effects of too dry air and alleviate symptoms such as burning eyes

You have more rest at night thanks to freed breathing and less snoring

You come into less contact with bacteria and viruses because they are brought to the ground more quickly.

No matter what your home is like, there is a system for every need

You save yourself the hassle of statically charged hair or objects

You enjoy a better overall sense of wellbeing and more concentration
The world of humidification
You want to know more? Or do you want to know more about how a humidifier can help you feel better or what different humidifier systems are available?
On our information page about humidifying the air, we explain what the ideal air humidity is and what causes and effects too dry indoor air has. We explain that humidifiers are an optimal solution and that there are four different humidifier systems: vaporisers, ultrasonic nebulisers, evaporators and air washers.
4 Tips on buying a humidifier
You can measure the relative humidity in a room using a hygrometer. For measurement to be accurate, it is important for the hygrometer to be positioned correctly: set up the hygrometer on a raised surface in the middle of the room, away from windows and doors. Wait a few minutes for the sensor to adjust to the room temperature.
It is important to know how big the room in which you are going to be using the humidifier is. If the doors to other rooms are open, the area of those rooms must also be included. Room area is calculated by multiplying the length and width of the room (e.g. 5 x 6 meters = 30 m2). To get the room volume, you multiply the room area by the ceiling height (30 m2 x 2.5 meters = 75 m3).
The room size should be doubled for minimum energy houses with controlled ventilation.
Choose a humidifier that is recommended for at least your desired room size/area.
Water hardness is a measure of the quantity of minerals in water. The higher the percentage of those minerals, the harder the water. The device you need will depend on the hardness of your water. If you don’t know the hardness of your tab water, you can ask your local water supplier or ask us to send you a test strip Contact.
There are 4 different types of humidifier systems: evaporator, ultrasonic nebuliser, vaporiser and air washer. The water hardness is decisive for the choice of the appropriate system.
- Soft water (0 ° - 4 °dH) = all systems
- Water of medium hardness (5 ° - 13 °dH) = all humidification technologies can be recommended though in the case of ultrasonic nebulisers, the anticalc cartridge should be used
- Hard water (from 14 °dH) = evaporators and air washers with an anticalc cartridge are recommended
Advice on buying a humidifier
Our devices efficiently humidify the air in rooms and ensure an optimal room climate and more well-being. In our video, Samuel explains how to find the perfect humidifier and which three points you should pay attention to: the size of the room, the water hardness and the choice of the right humidifier system.
The four different humidifier systems
Maintenance and cleaning of the humidifier
Descale of the humidifier
Cleaning the water tank
While water bases in humidifiers are usually cleaned regularly, water tanks are often forgotten. Watch the video and learn how to clean the water tank easily and quickly. All you need is a few minutes of time and a little sense of tact.