Usha Müller , 16 June 2020
Humidify the air
Air washer George and Robert put to the test
What can you do if you have unpleasant smells in your home? Or pollen and dust flying around in the air? Right, get yourself an air purifier. If the air is also too dry, there is a 2-in-1 device that will not only purify the polluted air but also humidify it at the same time: the air washer. In this blog post, we explain why an air washer is both an air purifier and a humidifier and how our two air washers fared in tests carried out by independent institutes.
The perfect combination of humidifier and air purifier
Air washers are a combination of two devices – they are both air purifiers and humidifiers. On the one hand, they remove pollutants from the air. The polluted air is sucked in and passed over discs (also referred to as a disc pack) turning in water. In the process, harmful particles and gases are washed out in the water. On the other hand, air washers increase the humidity indoors. While the dirt is washed from the discs, the discs absorb fresh water. The purified air enriched with moisture is then emitted back into the room.
For an ideal indoor climate, the relative humidity should have a value of between 40 and 60%. If the humidity is below 40%, it is too dry and the air should be humidified. A hygrometer can be used to find out whether your indoor climate at home is too dry. If the relative humidity is not ideal, you will know from the unhappy face on our hygrometer Selina. But if the indoor climate is ideal, she will give you a smile!
An air washer is a very good solution for a room where the air is dirty and rather dry. Why? Because humidified, clean air can help to prevent disease, alleviate allergy-related symptoms and improve general well-being. An air washer filters both – particles and pollen – as well as unpleasant smells from the air – ideal for anyone wanting to breathe fresh, healthy indoor air. By improving air quality, air washers ensure better personal well-being and greater vitality.
We are pleased to present to you our two air washers and their test results in more detail below.
Air washer George
Air washer George humidifies and purifies the air at the same time in order to maintain a healthy indoor climate with clean air and a relative humidity of between 40 and 60%. This 2-in-1 device is ideal for humidifying the air in rooms of up to 60 m2. George humidifies the air using his system based on the natural principle of evaporation which passes the dry air over discs turning in water. In the process, the air absorbs enriching moisture and is then emitted back into the room. That is how air washer George humidifies the air to an optimal level. With the process of evaporation, it is impossible for overhumidification to occur.
Air washer George is ideal for ensuring that you have clean air in rooms of up to 49 m2. He also purifies the air at the same time using discs turning in water. The polluted indoor air is sucked in and passed over discs turning in water. The dirt from the air sticks to the discs and is washed out into the water. That way, even the smallest particles can be filtered from the air which can bring immense relief to allergy sufferers in particular. When you switch on George, he filters more than 66% of all particles and pollen from the air in 30 minutes*. George removes very small particles from the air: tests carried out and certified by an independent test institute in Germany found that George removed particles from 0.3 to 15 micrometers. For comparison: a human hair has an average thickness of 0.08 mm and a micrometer is equal to 0.001 mm which means that a hair is 267 times thicker than a particle of 0.3 micrometers.
He can also remove smells quickly and efficiently. According to the test results of an independent laboratory in Japan, George filters the smell of cigarette smoke from the air in 60 minutes**.
*George removes 66.7% of particles from 0.3 to 15 micrometres from the air within 30 minutes, in rooms up to 49.2 m2/123 m3, as certified by SLG Prüf- und Zertifizierungs GmbH, Germany in accordance with standard DIN 44973-100:2002-01; A2.
**According to a report drawn up by an independent laboratory in Japan, George removes the smell of cigarette smoke from the air in 60 minutes (acetic acid reduced by 100%, ammonium reduced by 85% and acetaldehyde reduced by 40%).
Air washer George benefits everyone – he ensures clean air and ideal humidity so that you can breathe deeply.
Watch a video about the characteristics of air washer George.
Air washer Robert
Air washer Robert can also create the perfect indoor climate. This 2-in-1 device sucks in the dry, polluted air and turns it into purified and humidified air. Robert creates the optimal level of humidity in rooms of up to 80 m2. Like air washer George, he uses a set of discs turning in water to humidify and purify the indoor air. The water acts as the filter for removing particles and pollen from the indoor air. An independent test institute in Germany put Robert's performance as a purifier to the test and the results speak for themselves. In the test, air washer Robert reduced the level of pollution caused by particles by 50% within 30 minutes*. In other words, air washer Robert efficiently filters up to 50% of all particles and pollen – from dust and pollen to flakes of skin and bacteria – from the air in rooms of up to 29 m2 in 30 minutes.
And Robert can also turn air that smells unpleasant into neutral-smelling air. An independent Japanese laboratory put air washer Robert to the test and certified his ability to remove smells from the air. For example, the air washer can reduce the smell of cigarette smoke by more than 94% within 30 minutes**.
*Robert is able to reduce the level of pollution by 50%/Ct = 50% within 30 minutes in a test chamber measuring 22 m3. This gives a cleaning of at least 10% after 30 minutes in a room with a volume of up to 72 m3. Test carried out by SLG Prüf- und Zertifizierungs GmbH, Germany in accordance with standard DIN 44973-100:2002-01, A2.
**According to a report drawn up by an independent laboratory in Japan, Robert removes the smell of cigarette smoke from the air in 30 minutes (acetic acid reduced by more than 94%, acetaldehyde reduced by 44% and ammonium reduced by 91%).
Watch a video about the characteristics of air washer Robert.
Hygienic air washers
An air washer can prove extremely useful at home or at the office if the air indoors is dry and polluted. Optimal humidification can be achieved if the device is left on constantly. For our air washers George and Robert to be able to continue giving you enjoyment and keeping the air clean, optimal hygiene is vital. Watch this video to find out the best way to look after George and this video to see how Robert can provide you with an excellent service in the long term.
If you have questions related to indoor room climate, please get in touch with us. Or subscribe to our newsletter to regularly get informed about current topics regarding indoor climate, experience reports or Stadler Form insights.