Overall rating

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5



Rating overview

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

5 out of 5 stars
Excellent (1)
Very good (0)
Good (0)
Acceptable (0)
Unsatisfactory (0)


Review from Didzis at 03.10.2024

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Speedy and dry

It drys my appartment really fast. As I came to really bad situation where my appartment got to the point where moisture was affecting my living, I had to get a dehumidifier. There was a lot of choices from available options in Latvia. As I like to buy things only once and I like them to be good, I usually look at something higher end. One of the best options with slick and simple design, which really fits in with these scandinavian colors and vibes, is Stadler Form Lukas. Despite having my appartment two times smaller than rated capability of dehumidifier, I choosed to buy it, cause I believed it to be fast and good performer. In a first day it was having a hard times to dehumidify air, because my appartment was sucking moisture from outside like crazy. In first 6h of dehumidifying it collected more than 2l of water from air and dehumidified air from 79% down to 59%. Like...that machine really does its thing. And it kept working without any issues. Today is 3rd day with it and now it continously keeps humidity under 50% and appartment no longer has mold around. Came autumn and last week or two were unpleasent, so I had to buy dehumidifier. And surely I do not regret buying this machine. Works well and can live in pleasent conditions.